- Without glasses or contact lenses for far vision.
- Contact lenses. Better change to the use of glasses. Are easier to remove, wear, keep and carry.
- In most of the cases, myopia or /and astigmatism, we need the glasses for far vision, to see with clear vision the objects far away. If we remove them the vision of these objects will be blurred.
- In these cases, due to the refraction power of the eye’s optic elements (cornea, crystalline lens without accommodation, and aqueous and vitreous humours) and the length of the ocular globe, in far vision the light rays focus (or focal point) falls in front of the retina (before the retina). As the focus is not in the retina a blurred vision is obtained.
- As the focus is in front of the retina, the image of the faraway objects will also be in front of the retina, therefore the vision in the retina of these objects will be blurred (*).
- Planning the experience.
- Hat, cap, or visor. To avoid the direct sunlight in the eyes.
- Sunglasses not needed when we are not using the far vision glasses (**).
- Glasses case. Always carry the glasses with you, when you are not using them keep them safe inside a case, in your pocket or hand bag.
- Remember also if you drive, that it is mandatory to have a spear pair of glasses in your car.
- Notebook. To take notes of your experience. You don´t need to carry it, you can take mental notes during the experience and write them after, when you arrive at home.
- Walking in a relaxed mood. Plan enough time for the experience, avoid a tight schedule.
- Place. One of your favourite parks, where you like to go for a relaxed walk. As possible a big park full of nature, with trees, grass, lakes or fountains with running water, and paths for walking with nice views for an enjoyable vision.
- A place not too crowd, where we can walk safely without our glasses with no hazards or risks, and not having to be dodging the people.
- Weather and time. If possible, a bright sunny day, in the morning.
- Obligations and precautions. Always keep in mind that your vision without correction lenses is impaired. Always avoid causing any risk or possible danger to someone else or to you.
- You must always drive using your glasses or contact lenses. Failure to do this can cause an accident and it is a law infraction.
- Always carry a spear pair of glasses in your car,
- Walking in the streets, when crossing the roads, always cross where the traffic lights are or in the crossing zones. Failure to do this can cause an accident.
- Also, the experience can alter your sensations and perceptions, therefore during the experience, and under the effects of the experience, do not perform any activity with risk. It is similar as when you take any medicine.
- You must always drive using your glasses or contact lenses. Failure to do this can cause an accident and it is a law infraction.
- Hat, cap, or visor. To avoid the direct sunlight in the eyes.
- The experience.
- Once you arrive to your park (with your hat), and you reach a safe spot, you can remove your glasses and keep them safe in the case. Your vision will be blurred.
- What you must do is enjoy, while walking, your vision, and all the aspects of it.
- Aspects such as light, shadows, colours, shapes, contours, roughness of things, and so on.
- Bright light and vivid colours will be very uplifting for your vision.
- You will see how amazing things are.
- Admire and acknowledge how well your vision works with all these aspects without your glasses.
- Start to discover your vision, wake up your curiosity, play, and experiment with it, check how far objects are more blurred than the near ones. Check at what distance you start to see clearly.
- Look at your vision as a painting.
- Willing to see more patterns or aspects is a sign that you are enjoying the experience.
- Aspects such as light, shadows, colours, shapes, contours, roughness of things, and so on.
- Do not try to distinguish the objects and see clearly. Do not force your facial eye muscles to see clearly, let your vision be relaxed.
- Your brain has no problem with blurred vision. It works as best as it can with the information that receives from the vision. If you try to distinguish the objects, and try to see clearly, it will tire your facial eye muscles and give you a headache.
- Processing the visual information, having feedback from your brain with feelings and sensations and therefore having an active vision. Having a complete experience.
- Avoid interferences or interruptions of the visual information.
- Music, mobile calls, conversations, high mental work and thinking in other things.
- If possible, the first times is better to do it by your own for a more complete experience.
- Avoid a tight schedule and having to do it in rush. Relaxed mood.
- During the experience be aware of all your feelings, sensations, and perceptions in all the body.
- Take mental notes of them and write them down in your notebook when you arrive at home. Also compare the situation before and after the experience.
- Some minutes before finishing the experience, put again your glasses, walk a little more and make sure you are ready and in a stable condition to leave.
- This experience will take you out of your comfort zone, you will struggle, but it would be a brave attitude, and your first and most important step in your vision improvement.
- But not only vision, but also health and wellbeing improvement.
- Vision efforts have affected over the time our eyes and our body, affecting to our vision, health, and wellbeing.
- Our goal is to relieve these affections.
- Repeat the experience as much as you like.
- Discover Mira Integral Vision.
(*) The reflected light rays coming from the objects when they pass through the optic elements of the eyes, change of trajectory (refract), converge and cross producing the image.
With the direct sunlight rays the image falls in the focus of the optic elements ( as the rays come from an almost infinite distance the light rays are parallel to the optic axis). We can consider for reflected light rays coming from faraway objects (with distance more than 6 meters) that the image is produced past the focus very near to the it ,and from near objects the image is produced past the focus and distant to it.
Therefore, if the focus is in front of the retina, the image of faraway objects will be also in front of the retina. The rays cross in front of the retina, before reaching it, and continue towards the retina, producing a blurred vision in the retina. We need the image to be in the retina, to have a clear vision.
As we reduce the object´s distance, the image will be getting near to the retina, until it reaches the retina. At that distance we will start to see the objects with clear vision. If we continue reducing the distance, the image will fall behind the retina, needing the accommodation of the crystalline lens, to carry the image to the retina and have a clear vision.
We need the glasses to help the eye’s optic elements to carry the focus to the retina, and thus the faraway object’s image falls very near behind the retina, having clear vision, and as we reduce the object’s distance, the image falls further behind the retina, being able with the accommodation of the crystalline lens to carry the image to the retina and have clear vision.
(**) As the focus without glasses is in front of the retina, the sunlight reaching the retina is less concentrated (the illumination in the retina is less), for this reason we can consider not using sunglasses when we are not using our far vision glasses.